
Lielupes paliene un plūdi

A cache by Xelluc
Hidden : 2014-07-17
1.5 out of 5
1.5 out of 5

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N 56° 39.632 E 023° 43.751

In Latvia

Geocache Description:

Slēpņa autorizēšanai Jums nepieciešams:
1. Kādā ģeoloģiskajā periodā veidojušies nogulumi Zemgales līdzenumā?
2. Kāda veida ledāju kušanas nogulumi ir visjaunākie Zemgales līdzenumā?
3. Jānoskaidro cik dziļa Lielupe ir lejpus Jelgavas;
4. Vai mani mājai pastāv plūdu risks un cik bieži? Dzīvoju Svētes ielā 21.
5. Logam jāpievieno fotogrāfija ar zirgiem vai bez, bet lai atpazīstamas palieņu pļavas.
Atbildes sūtāmas uz xelluc at gmail com

To authorise a hideout you will need to answer the following questions:
1. In which geological period did the deposits form in Zemgale plain?
2. What kind of ice melting sediments are the most recent in Zemgale plain?
3. Find out, how deep is Lielupe, downstream of Jelgava.
4. Does my house stand a flood risk and how often? I live on 21st Svetes Street.
5. The log must be accompanied by a photograph, with or without horses, but with recognizable lowland meadows.
Answers are to be sent to xelluc@gmail com

Aptuveni pirms 18 500 gadu šeit bija ļoti klusa un auksta vieta. Laiks bija gluži kā sastindzis absolūtā klusumā. Tas, ko mēs uztveram kā Zemgales līdzenumu, bija zem biezas ledus kārtas, kuras biezums Botnijas līča ziemeļu galā sasniedza pat 2500 m, bet šajā vietā ap 750-1000 m.

Zemgales līdzenums, caur kuru lēni plūst Lielupe un tās pietekas, lielā mērā pašreizējo izskatu ieguvis tieši pēdējā Vislas apledojuma beigu posmā. Vispirms uzvirzoties Zemgales ledus lobām, tā priekšā un zem ledāja izgulsnējās ledāja sanesas. Tās sakrokojot un apslīpējot, ledāja gultnē radās viļņota plūdlīnijas formas klaipveida paugur-drumlinu ainava. Drumlinu iespējamais izvietojums atspoguļojas Zemgales upju tīklā. Ledājam atkāpjoties, līdzenuma viļņotā virsma tika pārveidota Zemgales ledāja sprostezera un Baltijas ledus ezera procesu rezultātā. Abu baseinu smalkgraudainie nogulumi vietām tika pārpūsti un veidojās kāpas, bet pazeminājumi pakāpeniski pārpurvojās.

Jelgava atrodas Zemgales līdzenumā, līdzenumā, kurš veidojies ledus laikmeta beigās bijušā Baltijas saldūdens ezera vietā. Grūti iedomāties, ka apmēram 6-7 tūkstošus gadu atpakaļ Jelgavas vieta bija zem ūdens. Senākā zināmā iedzīvotāju - klejotāju, mednieku un zvejnieku dzīves vieta atrasta apmēram 8 km uz dienvidiem no Jelgavas Jaunsvirlaukas tuvumā, netālu no Lielupes, kur toreiz bija jūras krasts. Atkāpjoties ledājiem uz ziemeļiem uz ziemeļiem atkāpās arī jūra. Tad veidojās gan Zemgales līdzenums, gan Lielupe un tās daudzās pietekas, gan lielie purvi.

Līdzenumi ir dominējošā reljefa forma zemienēs, kas raksturojas ar relatīvi maz saposmotu reljefu. Tiem ir plakana vai viegli viļņota virsa. Līdzenumi veidojušies, pakāpeniski nokūstot ledāja segai, atsedzot zem ledus esošo ledāja atnesto materiālu, vai arī ledāja kušanas ūdeņiem kopā ar smilts un māla daļiņām noplūstot uz pieledāju ezeriem. Zemledus apstākļos veidojušies līdzenumi sastāv no morēnas smilšmāla vai mālsmilts. Bijušo ezeru platībās tagad plešas plaši līdzenumi, kuros ir vai nu smilts vai māla nogulumi. Līdzenumi ir nozīmīgākā reljefa forma visās Latvijas zemienēs un to izmantošanu nosaka nogulumu sastāvs.

Lielupes līmenis pie Jelgavas ir tikai 0,2 m v.j.l., kas nodrošina regulāru palieņu applūšanu pat salīdzinoši nelielos palos. Tāpēc Lielupes palienes ir intensīvi meliorētas, īpaši lielos mērogos sākot ar 20. gs. 60. gadiem. Arī lieguma teritorija ir daļēji drenēta ar novadgrāvju palīdzību, taču meliorācijas sistēmas darbojas periodiski un nepilnīgi. Šī iemesla dēļ pļavas dabas lieguma teritorijā ir uzskatāmas par dabiskām vai mazpārveidotām palieņu pļavām ar augstu bioloģisko un ekoloģisko vērtību. Botāniski visvērtīgākās pļavas atrodas Lielupes kreisajā krastā – II teritorijā. Pļavas ir sugām bagātas, tajās ir daudz neielaboto pļavu indikatorsugu. Dabas lieguma teritorijā konstatēti trīs Eiropas Savienības aizsargājamie biotopi – sugām bagātas atmatu pļavas, eitrofās augsto lakstaugu audzes un mēreni mitrās pļavas. Dabas liegumā līdz šim konstatētas 27 īpaši aizsargājamas augu un dzīvnieku sugas. Liegums ir nozīmīga tārtiņveidīgo putnu ligzdošanas vieta un migrējošo ūdensputnu atpūtas vieta.

Latvijas teritorijā šī ir viszemākā apdzīvotā vieta, pilsētas teritorijas augstums pārsvarā ir no 3,5 līdz 4,5 m virs Baltijas jūras līmeņa (45%), 21% aizņem teritorija, kas augstāka par 4,5 m, 24% - teritorija no 2 m līdz 3,5 m, un 10% - teritorija zem 2 m virs jūras līmeņa. Lielupes ūdens līmeņa celšanās kritiskā robeža pie Jelgavas ir 2,60 m virs jūras līmeņa. Tā kā pavasara palu un ilgstošu lietavu laikā ūdens līmenis vidēji ik gadu sasniedz ap 2,56 m virs jūras līmeņa, 34% no pilsētas teritorijas ir pakļauta augstam applūšanas riskam, nodarot zaudējumus pilsētai un iedzīvotājiem.
Pēdējie lielākie plūdi pilsētā bija 1979.gadā (3,5 m). Savukārt 2010.gada palu maksimālā atzīme bija 3,44 metri.

Dabas liegums šeit ir kopš 1999.g., Natura 2000 teritorija, platība: 352 ha, administratīvi ietilpst Jelgavas pilsētas, Ozolnieku novadā un Jaunsvirlaukas pagastā.
Teritorija veidota, lai saglabātu dabiskās pļavas Lielupes krastos. Konstatēti galvenokārt ES Biotopu direktīvā minētie aizsargājamie biotopi mēreni mitras pļavas un eitrofas augsto lakstaugu audzes ar dižzirdzeni. Izcila retu tārtiņveidīgo putnu - melnās puskuitalas, pļavas tilbītes un gugatņa ligzdošanas vieta, kā arī pļavās konstatēts augsts ligzdojošo griežu blīvums. Nozīmīga migrējošo ūdensputnu atpūtas vieta. Teritorija ir unikāla ar savu iekļaušanos pilsētvides ainavā, kaut ari pēdējos gados degradējusies, aizaugot ar krūmiem.

[ENG]Around 18 500 years ago this was very quiet and cold place. Time seemed to have stopped. The stillness was absolute. What would eventually become the Zemgale plain and the land surrounding it, lay dormant underneath a huge Ice sheet which in its central Part in northern part of the Botnian Bay was up to 2.5 kilometres thick. In the territory under consideration the ice thickness varied from 750 to 1000 m.

The present-day topography of lowlands here has largely been formed as a result of Pleistocene glaciations, particularly of the last Weichselian event. Then Latvia occurs at the inner margin of the depositional zone of the Fennoscandian ice sheet where the main features of glacial topography were created by subglacial processes. During the last glaciation it was affected by ice masses of the Zemgale lobe. Glacial deposits were laid down beneath and in front of the advancing glacier. Subsequently as a result of subglacial deformation and shaping of disturbed deposits, streamlined landforms - drumlins was created at the glacier base. Later on, at the late glacial, this wavy surface was altered by the Zemgale Ice-dammed Lake and Baltic Ice Lake meltwaters. Fines of glaciolacustrine sediments were blow-out forming occasional dunes, lower depressions have gradually been occupied by mires.

Due to the flat topography and the inclination of the land surface towards the retreating ice margin, the meltwaters could not drain freely, forming ice-dammed lakes along the ice margin, sometimes covering large areas. Drainage of these ice-dammed lakes was often a catastrophic process. As a result, in watershed areas deeply-incised (up to 30 m in a depth N from Jelgava) proglacial spillways were formed. Merging of the local ice-dammed lakes was the beginning of the Baltic Ice Lake, which covered surroundings of Jelgava still very long time, until 10 200 years B.P.

Jelgava is situated in Zemgale plain, which formed by the end of Ice age in the place of Baltic ice lake. Thus, one can say that 6-7 thousand years ago Jelgava was under the water. The oldest camp of wanderers, hunters and fishers, is found 8km to the South from Jelgava; it was a shore of the sea at that time. Gradually, as the sea sank, Zemgale plain, the river Lielupe, its affluents and marshes were forming.

In geography, a plain is a flat region. Plains occur as lowlands and at the bottoms of valleys but also on plateaus or uplands at high elevations. In a valley, a plain is enclosed on two sides but in other cases a plain may be delineated by a complete or partial ring of hills, by mountains or cliffs. Where a geological region contains more than one plain, they may be connected by a pass (sometime termed a gap). Plains may have been formed from flowing lava, deposited by water, ice cold wind, or formed by erosion by these agents from hills and mountains. Plains in many areas are important for agriculture because where the soils were deposited as sediments they may be deep and fertile, and the flatness facilitates mechanization of crop production; or because they support grasslands which provide good grazing for livestock. The plains are a major form of relief in all Latvian lowlands and it’s use is determined by the composition of the sediment.

Nature reserve established in 1999. Since 2004, the nature reserve that spans over 352 ha has been listed as a Natura 2000 site, a part of the European specially protected nature area network. The nature reserve is also listed as an Important Bird Area to recognize its importance as a birds nesting site. All of this demonstrates the importance of the site as birds nesting grounds and a site of rare plant species.
The area designed to preserve the natural meadows at shore of Lielupe. The area is unique in its integration into the urban landscape, while also deteriorated in recent years, overgrowing with shrubs. Lielupes level at Jelgava is only 0.2 m above sea level, with regular overflow even in the relatively small floods. So Lielupes’ floodplain is intensively drained, especially in large scale from the 1960s’. Also, a closed area is partially drained by using drainage ditches, but drainage systems operate periodically and incomplete. For this reason, grassland nature reserve area is considered to be natural or not changed floodplains with high biological and ecological value. Botanically the most valuable meadows is located on the left bank of river Lielupe. Meadows are rich in species, they have a lot of grassland indicatorspecies.

The nature reserve hosts one of the last natural or minimally altered floodplain meadows with a high biological and ecological value. Three habitat types listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive are found in the nature reserve. So far, 27 specially protected plant and animal species are found in the nature reserve.

In the territory of Latvia, this is the lowest settlement, city territory height is mostly from 3.5 to 4.5 m above the Baltic Sea level (45%), 21% covered area of more than 4.5 m, 24% - an area of 2 m to 3.5 m, and 10% - an area less than 2 m above sea level. Lielupes rising water levels at the critical line Jelgava is 2.60 m above the sea level. Since spring floods and heavy rains the water level annually reaches about 2.56 m above sea level, 34% of urban areas are at high risk of flooding, causing loss to the city and its residents. The last major flood was in year 1979 (3.5 m). But in the year 2010 highest flood point was 3.44 meters.

Nature Protection and Management
Historically, the site of the nature territory was covered in meadows and pastured that were regularly mowed and grazed. To ensure protection and sustainability of nature values of the Lielupe Floodplain Meadows Nature Reserve, the nature protection plan of the site prescribes various management activities there. Cutting bushes within a 10 ha area and mowing about 230 ha are the two activities for maintaining and increasing the biological value of the meadows to be carried out in the EU LIFE-Nature project on Restoration of Floodplain Meadows for EU Priority Species and Habitats.
First 17 Konik Polski horses have been brought to the Pilssala in 2007 to prevent fur¬ther overgrowing of floodplains.The ARK Foundation of the Netherlands financially supported this measure. Wild horses maintain the open natural landscape by grazing on grass, shrubs, reed and tree bark. Similar horses named tarpans have historically lived in Latvia, yet human activities have fostered their disappearance already in the late Middle Ages.

Tikai 20.08.2014 slēpnī meklējiet uzlīmes 1.Jelgavas eventam jeb septiņiem augusta suvenīriem
Only on 20.08.2014 in cache You find stickers for 1.Jelgavas event or seven souvenirs of august

Additional Hints
Zaļa lapiņa (neaizmirsi pierakstīties viesu grāmatā un paņemt uzlīmi!!!)


kid friendly available 24-7 parking available stroller accessible blank blank

Additional Waypoints 

    Prefix Lookup Name Coordinate  
Visible Reference Point BW 2 Bird-watching tower (Reference Point) N 56° 43.723 E 023° 40.566 
  Note: Lieliska vieta Palienes pļavu faunas vērošanai.
Visible Parking Area PP 1 Parking place (Parking Area) N 56° 39.620 E 023° 43.764 